Thursday, January 28, 2010

What is a customized reading plan?

There are a variety of ways I can work with children. In each situation, individual needs, interests, aptitudes and deficiencies are evaluated. The primary areas of consideration are fluency and comprehension. Fluency is the ability of the child to recall correct pronunciation of a word. Comprehension is the ability to recall facts and concepts related to a reading passage.

I have a multitude of activities to develop fluency. If it's related to spelling words, we will play "Memory" each week. In addition, I will give the parent a copy of the words in a large font and I'll show them how to cut out each word to enhance differentiation of letters. I have cards with two letters printed on them. The child is given letters to "fill in the blank". These are just a few of the manipulatives that can be used to inspire your reader while making it fun.

When developing comprehension, books are used. I attempt to find books that would be appealing to the child. (Each parent fills out an information sheet prior to the first session.) I will read a portion of the book out loud. We will practice "foretelling", using text and pictures to determine what will happen next in the text. At the end of each session, I will ask questions related to concepts and facts in the text. Finally, we will discuss favorite aspects of the text. The next session, we will review what happened previously by asking the child pointed questions. Depending on the situation, the child will be asked to read aloud. This isn't usually done in the beginning because many struggling readers are self-conscious reading aloud.

I will use some of these activities to customize a plan for your child. In addition, I am happy to work with their classroom teacher to develop related activities. If you have any questions, please call me. 334-451-0917

Happy reading,

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